Long Days of Summer
I love the long hot days of summer. I love the summer because for some reason it’s not as stressful. This summer has been nice. Just too short. It’s been hot for most of the country. It’s been hot here, but to tell you the truth here in New England I love it. It beats the snow.
The doggies are happier in the warm weather. Since their collars are in working order once more, they have been free to happily play in the back yard. Dexter has become obsessed with his ball. He could play fetch all day which I assure you is better than using my house for his chew toy. He won't leave you alone. His new thing is to drop his ball in the hot tub. My one, one, moment of relaxation. It's gone. Simply. You have no choice but to play with him. You can't refuse that face. Love my doggies though. It just feels right to come home with Colbie waiting in the bay window.
Wanted to start my revisions on Whisperings to make it into Belle of Charleston. I know exactly what I want to do, but my husband asked me a favor. Well, he suggested I complete a sequel to Dream Walker. Dream Walker has done really well as of late. I know he’s right, but with my other books, my historicals, they come so easy. The story flows so to say. With Dream Walker, not so much. Have to think if I'm creating a world that makes sense.
The difference is that Dream Walker doesn't have a world that's set. I have created that world. Writing a paranormal you have to reach out an normalize the abnormal. Make the unbelievable, believable. Honestly, sometimes that world scares me. Donald Maas says in one of his writing books, "What's the worst thing your antagonist must do? Make it against his/her principles. Make it unthinkable. Then make it imperative." It's my motto for Dream Walker.
The other thing is when you write whether you realize it or not you draw from your on personal experiences in some manner or other. It's harder to relate those to a paranormal. On the other hand, the setting is contemporary. At least I don't have to research that time period.
I'm having a great time over at Roses of Prose blog. What a great group of writers. Check it out if you get the chance. Spotlighting everyone on Novel Works, too.
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