Tattoos, Leather & Studs

Went out to eat lunch on Saturday. The restaurant was already decked out in  Christmas decorations. Turned on the radio and there's a station already playing Christmas music. A little too soon. Probably. I've always liked to decorate after Thanksgiving, but Christmas is just around the corner. It's not too soon to start making your Christmas gift list. What do I recommend? Do you have to ask? Simply- Books!

Shadows of the Past
Books have always been a great idea for gifts, but now a days it's quick, easy and thoughtful, especially ebooks. Today the hottest gadget are Iphones, Ipads, NookTablets, and the Amazon Fire. What better way to give a gift than instantly? There are a couple of ways to give an ebook. You can always give a gift certificate to the book's website. These are easy and quick to do, but some book websites have ebook gift giving. Amazon does. Just be careful with Amazon ebook giving. It is extremely easy. All you need is your recipient's email address, but if they don't have an account with Amazon for some reason Amazon doesn't deliver the ebook. This happened to me last year. I didn't notice it to after Christmas.   There are other places though that have the same gift giving of ebooks like All Romance Books. I'm sure Barnes and Noble has something on that line that makes giving books easy also.

Warm Christmas Wishes
Think how easy it would be to give your friend a copy of her favorite book, your child's teacher a thoughtful gift, your niece or nephew a book they have been wanting. You can even give children's books! I know I have my mother on my list. I gave her a kindle for Mother's Day. She will be getting a nice gift certificate to add to her collection of books. Or you can simply give yourself a good book. Take a break from your hectic  holiday activity.

So what am I doing? Giving you ideas for your list. This week on Novel Works I'm starting GIVE A GIFT, GIVE A BOOK campaign for Christmas. Starting with New Release Week. I have authors coming in with recent relelases or soon to be released books. I'm throwing in a couple of others that I noticed on Barnes and Noble's new release list that I found of interest.

One of my fellow authors, Brenda Whiteside, on Roses of Prose blog has a few releases coming up, two in December and one in January. Busy lady. I'm also releasing my second installment under my pen name Carrie James Haynes. Whispers of a Legend, Part Two, The Path Now Turned, will be releases on November 28. Whispers of a Legend, Part One, Shadows of the Past was released in October. It's FREE! Excited. The numbers look good. It's # 4,578 at Barnes and Noble. Not as well on Amazon, but it's not free yet. Waiting patiently...

The Path Now Turned
Coming Soon!
So join me this week on Novel Works. A lot of great books and a lot of great gift ideas!


  1. What a great idea, Jerri. I'm looking forward to getting some good gift ideas...and maybe getting some gifts for myself!

  2. Suzanne,
    Thanks. So many good ones to choose this year, too!


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